Stories of Transformed Lives

For over a decade, Transformation Love has been transforming the lives of children who were living in extreme poverty in Ethiopia. By demonstrating the love of Christ to these children and their families, they now can live productive, hope filled lives. These are just a few of their stories.  

Among the students who have graduated and went off to college, Transformation Love now has 29 working in or finishing college for successful careers. Among them; 3 Accounts, 4 Nurses, 2 Social Workers, 2 in Marketing, 3 Teachers, 1 Engineer, 2 in Construction, 4 Hotel Management/Tourism, 2 Auto Mechanics, 1 Taxi Driver, 1 Starving Artist, and 2 getting Business Degrees.  

Recently Sherry had an opportunity to hear from a few of them. Below are their raw and unedited stories. 

Hiwot was one of the first children sponsored.  Her mother died from AIDS.  Hiwot, took the place of mom and raised her 2 siblings, while still finishing school.  With the support of her sponsor, she went on to college to become a nurse.  Now she is a fulltime nurse at the ALERT hospital.  She is married and has a baby boy. She is still seeing that Shewaye finishes college, who is studying business, and Fikadu finishes school. We are proud of her success. 

Hanna joined us about one year after we started working in Addis Ababa.  She studied hard and always was a delight to be around.  Her mom joined our staff and is the right arm of our ministry, keeping in touch with all of our families.  Hanna is always there to give a helping hand when needed, and is our records clerk in the Ethiopia office.  Hanna finished high school and went on to college, thanks to her sponsor.  She graduated from college this year with an accounting degree.  We are so proud of her and love her so much.  

Wasihun was living with his mother and sister in poorest of poor conditions.  He was one of the first 5 kids sponsored by us.  A couple of years after being sponsored, his mom died. He was an orphan.  He was so broken and afraid.  His mother’s friend took him in and raised him as her own.  With the help of his sponsorship, Wasihun was able to go to school, receive food, and get medical treatment.  He studied hard and graduated from high school.  He went to college to become and engineer and graduated from college, thanks to his sponsor.  Today, Wasihun is an engineer.  As you can see, he is happy.  We are so proud of him and love him!